Friday, August 21, 2015

Fast & Easy T-Shirt Pillow



-chalk (or something to mark on the shirt with)
-straight edge *optional
-rotary cutter or sewing shears
-sewing machine or needle and thread
-Poly-fil / stuffing

     Find a shirt that has a cool design on it, I am using my Treasure Planet map shirt.  Place the shirt on a cutting surface and trace out the dimensions of what the pillow is going to be.  Keep in mind that extra room will be needed on the outside for a 5/8" seam allowance.  If you are new to sewing, this just means that the stitching will be 5/8" into the edges of the fabric.  Use a straight edge and chalk to get the most precise outline.  I made mine 11" by 12".

     To keep the material in place while cutting, place pins on each corner.  Cut along the traced lines with a rotary cutter or sewing shears.  Cut through both layers of fabric.

     Before sewing, rearrange pins by putting one in the middle between each of the four corners.  This will help to make a straighter stitch.  Anywhere on the fabric, leave about a 3" section that will not be stitched (in between the two purple pins).  The Poly-fil will be stuffed into this opening after the next step.

     The stitching is all up to you.  Instead of doing a traditional seam where the fabric is sewn inside-out, I sew it with the right sides facing out.  This makes the stitching show and the raw edges visible.  When sewing like this, make sure to sew along the 5/8" seam allowance.  Backstitch at the beginning and end of every corner, making sure to overlap them.

     Stuff with Poly-fil one handful at a time.  Do not stuff it so full that it won't be able to sew shut.  Then sew up the bottom, cut off any loose threads and you're done.

     Have fun with this DIY!  Play around with different colored thread and stitches.  I used pink thread on the Halo pillow to give it a girly touch.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Treasure Planet Map Shirt


-black shirt (I got mine for $3 at Michaels)

-card stock
-double-sided tape
-cardboard (I used a cereal box)
-spray bottle
-bucket with water and detergent

Making The Design

     Start by finding a reference picture of the map and draw out the design on card stock.  I used a circular lid for the whole shape and the bottom of a highlighter for the small circles inside.  It is easier to draw out the circles first then connect them with the lines.

     Then cut out all the shapes within the design.  Using double-sided tape, tape the pieces onto the shirt making sure to leave room in between.  I found it easiest to put the tape on the pieces first and then cut the excess tape off.  Any tape that is showing will show in the end design, so make sure to cut close to the paper.

Bleaching The Shirt

*note: do this outside or somewhere that it is okay to get bleach on

     Pour some bleach in spray a spray bottle (I used less than 1/2 a cup) and have a bucket of water with detergent in it ready so that the shirt can be cleaned immediately after spraying it.

     Put a piece of cardboard under the font of the shirt so that the design does not seep through onto the back.

     Begin by spraying all over and around the stencil.  To give the shirt an overall galaxy star effect, spray over the shirt with the nozzle facing parallel to the work space.  The bleach will spray above the shirt and and the fall out will show up as small specks.  Do this method sparingly to the front and back of the shirt.

     Immediately wash and rinse for a colored design like mine, or let the bleach soak in for a white result.  Hang it to dry.